Greenfields promotes the “Letter to Santa Claus” campaign

For four years now, Greenfields has been involved in the Christmas campaign “Letter to Santa Claus.” Children and adults, supported by several foundations and charities, send their gift requests to Santa Claus through the campaign organizers. The task of companies and donors, including Greenfields’ staff, is to make the described dreams come true.

W sobotę 5 grudnia z wielką radością pomogliśmy przygotować paczki, On Saturday, December 5, we were very happy to help pack gifts intended for children and adults in the care of:

  • the Zucchini Therapy Center at the Gajusz Foundation, which provides therapies for children and adolescents;
  • the Municipal Social Welfare Center in Radomsko, taking care of elderly people experiencing financial and health problems; and
  • the Happy Road Foundation, which supports adolescents in social care centers and helps them enter adulthood.

We are proud of our team. Over the past four years, our staff have made ca. 100 gifts as part of the “ Letter to Santa Claus” campaign.