The plot at ul. Taśmowa is in Służewiec Przemysłowy in Warsaw. Good communication is provided through the southern bypass and the Warsaw Okręcie airport.
“This part of the city is filled with office buildings that already fully meet the demand for office space,” said Justyna Cymerman, Head of the Urban Planning Department at Greenfields. “This is why, with the plot at ul. Taśmowa, our goal was to find a new function that would serve as an attractive supplement to the district. Our analyses showed that the best solution would be a PRS (Private Rented Sector) investment, and this is the function we proposed to the investor.”
Greenfields, in cooperation with the investor – Apricot Capital Group – and with Studio 20 entrusted with the architectural design, coordinated the process of preparing a new investment, including obtaining a building permit. The company also carried out the sale transaction of the property, preceded by a plot valuation. The new owner, Apricot Capital Group, intends to build 447 units for short- and long-term rental and there will also be a restaurant and an underground garage.